Monday, 21 March 2005

Waterloo Village Community Project

A small township in Sierra Leone, West Africa, was subject to horrible civil war during the 90's, and only now is it getting back to normal with running water and electricity supplies.

We edited together a promotional piece to help a fund raising event for their organiser Yaina Samuels. She has managed to garner the support of the Welsh people to get some much needed supplies and has arranged for them to be shipped them out to Waterloo. For more information please visit their website at


Tuesday, 1 March 2005

We think, therefore we blog

We've decided to implement a blog on our site to allow us to post news, updates and to allow clients and prospective customers to keep up to date with what goes on here at Broadstroke.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the site then please contact us via the link on the left.